Stories From The Tolbert Home

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A season

I came home from church immediately put on my "comfy clothes" and fired up the grill and then started some gardening. Wouldn't you know that's when it decides to rain! I am so anxious for actual summer weather that I go ahead and do summer things and just pretend we are not getting soaking wet while gardening HA!
We are starting to get all unpacked in the house. We absolutely LOVE our new neighborhood. We are trying to adjust to Kraiger's work schedule. I remember last year when he was home not working. I thought it was great at first...then you get to that point when you need your dear husband to go somewhere so you can accomplish things. You start picking at each other and I thought GET please! Then he started working at the shop downtown. That was great hours. You would have thought I could get back in my "housewife" house mom....bill payer, cleaner, home schooler....roles but we were packed up in boxes for months! Our house closing date kept getting pushed back and pushed back. Then we find out it really was closing so we found a house to rent and at the same time Kraiger started working at the South Hill Mall at a Kiosk for our business. The shop downtown is still going but he started this new path. We did not at all intend for them to happen at the same time. Moving and new hours at the job were quite stressful. He puts in about 75 hours a week PHEW! I finally unpack and get into somewhat of a routine and I do not see my husband barely at all. He comes home around 9:15.
It is one season after the next. If you would have asked me last week what I thought I would have bursted into tears and told you how awful I was doing, how much I missed him. But somehow I have learned to get by and use all my extra time to do things I missed doing. The girls and I do a lot more walks, park time, reading, games and puzzles. For sanity I go to the gym which is now just a few blocks away and let the girls swim, or I put them in daycare and I get some quiet me time. I go visit friends, I have late night chats with friends I have not got to catch up with in forever, and I call my family. Kraiger will not always have that many hours, but I knew this month was trial and we had to see how it worked before getting some help.
I can't help but think that God absolutely brought this season at the right time. I felt squeezed by God haha. Overloaded. But it is in the rough times you really have to be content with wherever he has placed you. It is not my favorite season, but I know it is that...a season.

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