Stories From The Tolbert Home

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Every Kind Of Mother

This week was a mother's day week like no other. I really had forgotten it was coming up, but my sweet kiddos kept reminding me in many ways. For some reason I just kept having those " I am a failure" days! I may have cried 47 times. The thing about having older children....they notice everything. I must say having their sweet little condolences through out my rough week reminded me I must be doing something right. 

I had to think back on some things. I have been a mama for 12 years now! It feels like so long, yet here I am thinking I really have no clue on things!

I look back and realize...

I have been the mom who strongly agrees I should work.
I have been the mom who strongly thinks I should be home.

I allowed Mcdonalds, chemical laden snacks, and fake ice cream to be swallowed by my littles.
I have also went through my whole-food clean out every possible wrong doing snack I could within 5 minutes.
I then hopefully found balance

I have preached the importance of sending your children to socialize. {made fun of homeschoolers}
Ive homeschooled. {6 years and counting..maybe}

I've yelled
I've whispered and showed grace

Basically, I have been every kind of mom....but what I hope my kids remember...was that I stopped being busy every now and then and let them be little. That I said I was sorry when I made many mistakes. I hope they know they are loved, that my ideas change as they do, that I live on grace and lots of coffee....and that they are the best gift I have ever been given.

To the mama's who have lost babies, or any woman who is still yearning for a child to hold...I think of you every mother's day. I only know a piece of your pain, but I do know it and I pray you find comfort. 

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