Stories From The Tolbert Home

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wrapping up 2014

Somehow this year has just flown by. It has been a very memorable year and I would love to share some of my favorite highlights with you.

Finding out we would be blessed to welcome our fourth child!

Celebrating 10 years of marriage in Hawaii last April, we wanted to share this special occasion with our kids! I do not know where the years have gone, but what an eventful ride it has been. I always dreamed of having a family and here we are in the midst of it!

Coconut water never tasted so good.

We swam with sea turtles, I will never  forget that amazing moment and sharing it with our children!

Daddy showing his baby boy the beautiful water while the girls played. Such a beautiful site.

A little selfie with the sunset
As a family we were consistent with our fitness goals, even when our nutrition wasn't always good we consistently made it to the gym or did fitness activities almost every single week this year! Pregnancy and all, we made sure to still keep our health a priority, including the kids! It was a joy to watch how far they have come in their very first swim meet! We tried new things such as rock climbing, snorkeling in the ocean, hiking new places, running new trails, and making more progress in the weight room. It is a journey, and this year we hope to work on our nutrition even more and see some great results that will help us be active parents!

Running a 5k while pregnant included a bathroom stop at a random location, and dry heaving when I finished.

38 weeks pregnant and she still made me MOVE. Love her for it

We had fun summer memories with cousins at their cherry farm in Yakima.
Just some cousins making memories…on a tractor.

Fun bumpy rides on the gator, included is Hadley Grace taking over my coffee.

As my husband would say " That's how country boys roll" putting up a light, how else?

You never tasted cherries so delicious. We even made some fried cherry pies with these that are still on our waistline

Life took a wonderful pause when our newest son Hudson Grant entered this world in August. Weighing 8 lbs. 12 oz. Handsome as ever.

We began another year of homeschooling…now with a 1st and 5th grader! WOW
I sometimes find Dana has snuck the baby into her arms to hold while she does school.

The girls about to leave for our first day at CO-OP

Ava during her math class at CO-OP

Sometimes we need popcorn to get us through the last bit of our day.

Press Coverage Photography captured this very real moment during our family photo shoot, Dana trying to read to them, while Kallen would like to take over.

Ava RODE A SHEEP…and made it about 3 feet out of the gate before not so gracefully being thrown off. Never the less she will always remember that warrior moment riding a sheep in her tall cowgirl boots, and pretty floral dress.

God healed our son's mouth from a fall, the doctor was sure he would lose his teeth, and God granted my request and those gums and teeth are fully healed.
I feel it necessary after that photo to also brag that I survived my first year with a toddler boy. Its brand new to me, and so much crazier than girls. AND I love it.

Can I also add that we probably ate out too much, and in 2015 I would like to conquer that…and my huge excuse was having a baby. Ok no more excuses, let's laugh at this all time classic favorite of mine. Taco BUS!

Our small business is running smoothly and has provided all we need, and taught us to lean on God more than ever. Thankful for every single financial advisor, spiritual advisor, customer, employee and friends who have seen us through another year.

2014 has been a year to learn. We have had some rough patches as each year seems to include, that brought us closer together and closer to God. We have had highlights, and memories as well. I am thankful for this year and I pray that in 2015 we can see more spiritual growth, more consistency, and even have some fun! Happy New Year to our friends and family! We pray your year was as memorable as ours!

Kraig, Hanna, Dana, Ava, Kallen, and Hudson

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