Stories From The Tolbert Home

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A daily goal

We made it through Christmas and we are on to a New Year. I have to say this was my most cherished Christmas, one I will never forget. Normally on Christmas morning as the girls are opening their gifts, my mind is wandering to what else I should have crammed under the tree, this year the whole family seemed to have a feeling of completeness.

Kraiger has been laid off for over 2 months now, and I have never felt richer. Our whole life literally took a 180 degree turn and when I should feel turmoil I feel peace. Yes of course I have my days of tears and worry, but for the most part it's peaceful, when you start losing things you hold so dear, some are truly dear and others are things you might have held onto way too much, either way you start cherishing the things you do have.

It was a few weeks ago at Lifegroup that Doris Lindsay spoke of our love for the world. How we cannot love the world and God at the same time. She gave amazing heart striking examples and I left overwhelmed and convicted in so many ways. In the 2 weeks that have passed, my mind cannot leave that bible study. All I can think of is how much I truly held onto things. My home is not on this earth, and I can honestly say that 2010 was not at all a year I can say I feel accomplished. I spent the entire year focusing on what decor I could get, what new clothes I could get the girls into, the list goes on. I seem to be cramming things into my life that will be next years good will pile. 

I have never been a New Year's resolution kind of person, I feel like I set myself up for failure in doing so, but lately I have felt to set daily goals. I am a small step kind of person. Eating healthy is a priority, I am much nicer when I get in my excersize and eat right, and I can keep up with the kids more when not feeling sluggish. Keeping in touch with family and friends more, play a game or 2 with the kids. Being wise with my money. Adding an evening devotional time rather than just morning( I think it would help my weird dreams) Yea all that can be done in a day right? HAHA either way, I will go ahead and say the normal January cliche' "this year WILL be different" even if I have to take it one goal at a time!

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