Stories From The Tolbert Home

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A little thing called perspective

               Since my last post I truly made an effort to focus my time towards shaping my kids. Such as paying closer attention to their "ramblings" playing games, going for walks, cooking, reading, pampering, coloring...all sorts of things. It is all stuff I normally do, but recently started letting them "go play". I have found that in the short time I have started sitting down with them and doing their little stuff, they have bonded with me more. How funny, I did not think I could bond with them any more but it is amazing! 

                 Kraiger has been out of work for 3 months as of this week. I cannot help but reflect my feelings regarding this. In the beginning I did a whole lot of complaining and worrying. In the middle I went through a bigger tragedy that suddenly made this minor tragedy seem so small, and now...I kinda like it...WHAT? Did I just say that? YES. Kraiger made good money, we were for sure living a comfy life. I got used to that, and somewhere along the line I let priorities slide. I notice now that I have to watch the money closer, I value it more. It surprised me how much I truly was wasting. I love Dave Ramsey's books, they sure have put all of this wasting money thing into perspective. I love couponing! WOW the new sport, I love making my meal plan 2 weeks ahead and sticking to it, I love finding good deals, I love supporting the local produce stand and saving money at the same time! I have become an ultra organizer! Why did I not do this before? I took for granted all the things God blessed us with. I truly feel like I wasted it. BUT it is never too late to change, and I am enjoying the changes we have made. I value Kraiger's time at home, he has never been able to take Dana to school and pop in and have lunch with her. He runs errands with me and keeps me company. There are days when I need a break due to his "man" ways such as not cleaning up after himself, but for the most part I am having a blast.

               There are days when I have a slight melt down and realize we are truly in a storm....and then I remember Sis Chamberlain's dear message on being in the eye of the storm, the peace is in the middle. She also said "sometimes God calms the storm, and sometimes he calms the child in the storm" wow that struck my heart! So true! I am so thankful for this time, I feel like one day it will be this distant memory and I want to learn everything I maybe just maybe...I don't have to do it all over again!

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