Stories From The Tolbert Home

Saturday, January 19, 2013

34 weeks

I am feeling huge to say the least. And feeling huge makes me feel thrilled to know we are on the countdown. I get mixed reviews of how its all in my belly, you look great, you look due any day, are you having twins? Daily..HA. At this point you just go with it. My appetite has changed, I seem to eat very small meals, but lots of them. So I have to really keep the fruits and veggies prepped, and protein shakes on hand or chicken because otherwise Ill call the husband for taco bus:). 

I can feel the baby moving most of the day and usually all night. We laugh because he will be kicking and someone put their hand on my stomach, he stops until they leave then does a few jabs. Already playing games with us. We have started washing the clothes we bought, and setting up. I am trying to save things until early February so time will pass quicker. The end is truly the longest feeling. Since you do not sleep much and its hard to do things. I nested better than ever before from like week 29 to 33. I felt like that month made up for any lack in the beginning, I got so much done. I feel like a turtle this past week. Hoping it is just from having a cold, but most likely it is from growing, and its just difficult to do things when your growing and aching. So with my body slowing down we have taken this time to do more one on one things with the girls. We know they are anxious for the baby, but we want to spend good quality time with them before he arrives. We have stepped back from social media things for a bit, and try and save any shows or my pinterest hunting:) to when they are asleep. I am having fun with them and I am curious how they will adjust when the new one arrives. They are older so I assume they will do better than a toddler, but they are still children and they still want all our attention. So we will see. They have both been awesome about being my helper. I try not to do to much bending down and they always say Ill get it mommy. Dana brought me a bell the other day when I was stuck in bed with a cold, and said ring it if you need anything. So sweet. 

Next week I have an appointment, they will check for progress and begin weekly appointments. Hard to believe!! We have a few things going on in February, it is not like the baby will check my schedule before arriving but I do have a few dates that would work best-life of a mom with other children lol. Either way we await the perfect timing of our little man, and love him so much already.

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